Property Surveys & Reports

To assist you in choosing the right survey for your requirements, here are some examples:

Survey Types

Building Surveys – Level 3

It is important to know the difference between types of survey. The Building Survey is the most comprehensive. It is usually prepared in addition to a mortgage valuation report. It comprises of a detailed account of the property. It does not usually include any intrusive investigations such as opening up the structure by removing the building finishes, such as plasterwork, or fabric or inspecting the condition of the foundations/soil beneath the foundations. However, a client can specify and tailor the report to suit individual needs. Inspection of outbuildings can be included by negotiation.

A sample of our own bespoke building survey is attached below for reference. RICS compliant using a similar system to the RICS traffic light system to highlight defects and their importance.

By contrast we carry out RICS Building surveys using the RICS template, which can be slightly more restrictive with regard to photographic schedules. Uses a traffic light system to highlight defects and their importance. RICS sample attached

Homebuyer Report – Level 2

Introduced recently, where a less detailed report is required this report provides information on the general condition of the property and highlights areas which may need attention.

Homebuyer Report-survey only: Again, highlights major defects before committing to legal contract. Its layout is quite different to a Building survey and follows a set format but does not go into the same level of detail afforded by a Building survey.

HomeBuyer Report-survey and valuation. The Homebuyer Report survey and valuation is the Homebuyer survey with an RICS compliant property valuation completed by a registered valuer who is also a Chartered Surveyor.

For further information see our Survey Fees page…

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